After completing my entire TPACK Quest as part of the course, my favourite badge activity that I completed was the Hour of Code badge.

Hour of Code was something that I had prior experience with, but had not actually gotten to try personally. When I sat down to complete the Hour, I thought it was going to be slightly boring, as computer programming/coding is generally thought of as a dull activity. I was surprised to find that the Hour flew by, as I was having a blast playing the Star Wars Hour of Code.

I think that Hour of Code is a powerful tool in the classroom because it helps to teach coding skills, but also teaches 21st Century literacies including critical literacy, media literacy and collaboration. Potential applications that I see for integrating Hour of Code into my future classroom would be having students participate in coding activities that correlate to content in order reinforce learning and practice tackling challenges that promotes problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. It also allows for the incorporation of student choice/interest into the classroom, thus increasing enjoyment of the learning process and an intrinsic motivation for new knowledge. 

Feel free to check out the website for yourself!

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