Friday 13 January 2017

Welcome to Mr. Litt's Genius Hour Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

My name is Braden Litt and this blog will be used throughout my Technology in the Classroom course as I explore the concepts related to integrating technology into the classroom. I am currently a pre-service educator at Brock University. I have been working for the past 4 years on my Undergraduate Bachelor's Degree in English and Literature. Some other experiences that I have had include working at several youth summer camps, as well as maintaining an instructional and leadership role within Brock Recreation Services.

Outside of education, I enjoy cooking, reading, geocaching, and playing sports, my favourites being volleyball, hockey, baseball and curling. Other hobbies of mine include listening to music, with a newfound interest in records, and taking care of my pets at home, which are a cat named Oliver, a dog named Milo and my personal favourite, a betta fish named Bo.

I am looking forward to learning using tech and exploring my Genius Hour topic through this blog and hope you will join me on this journey.

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